Hay, so like imz schore yu allz hav ulredy herd zet OBAMA iz totallly highering rightznow und az u may hav suzschpectud Josef und minselv hav been ze numbavun choize for ze cabnut pozitionz uv ofacial vight house djayz und homlandz zecurity! Ve vur likez cunt ve juz bee ze djayz!?!!?!! und tom ridge vuz like “dount even a AZK!!! I totally said ze same thing ven ze hiurd mi und ze said “nine frauline” und I vuz like “finez, I guz Josef und ërik vulll juz hav 2 du both!!! Yah!! Vatch outz terroriztaz iv u dount likez 2 party zen u are totalllyz on ze amerikaz mozt vanted lizt!!! Peow peow!!! Und ve are goingz 2 catch zu und bringzu 2 oberliktinau, germany und pour ze club sauce all ova u!!!! jajajaja! Juz jozing, la OBAMA totally saidz zet ve arentz going 2 tourtur zem anymorez, but seriouzly vat can u really doue 2 peoplez zat are living in ze cavez!!! Jajajajaja!!! Graaaaaet!!!! I luv neanderthalz!!!! But serouzly, oar virzt oardar uv buzinez az ze new headz uv homolandzecurity vill be 2 capture und detaaaain zoz whooo are rezpozibule four all uv ze D.A.N.C.E. remuxces!!!! Jajaja! Vatch outz! Zat iz soooo lazt yeur!!! Graaaaeeet! Vell heur iz sum graaeet tunez 2 getzu prepared four ze new vurld orderz uv Josef und ërik!!!!!!!
Je Veux te voir (original mix) – yelle
Perfect (tonite only remix) – princess superstar
We share our motherz health (trentemoller remix) – the knife
Ze onlyzing holding uz back rightz now are zez risqué videoz zat may refluct poorelyz on ze OBAMA adminiztracionz, iv ve are given ze pozitionz, but ve vur like show uz un graaaet djay vitout un sveatyhottt dance video und ve vill shoew u a lame djayyyy!!!! Peow! Pluz, tom ridge totalllly got ze position dezpite ze outing uv und zuperduper grozzz video uv him schopping at ze toyzáreuz mit und graaaet bug up schteeeein!!!!! Zat iz totalllly more nisch nisch!!!
Remember zat ze global varmingz vud be like ten timez vurse mit out ze individual und groupz danze effortz around ze vurld und uv courze letz give un schpecial shoutzout 2 ze chineze schmog sheildz!!!!!! Graaaaaet! Sankz!!!! I guuueeezzzzz!!!!
Muchoz bezoz desde schunder schpain, jajaja!!!! Saluuuuuuuuuuddddzzzzzz!!!!!
graaaet hoe yahhh hur iz ze graaeet yelle video, tre hottttt!!!! peow! ziz fraulin iz totalllyy crah crah und now i am totallly upschteeeein!!!! graaaeeet!! i luv ze french!!!
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