Sunday, December 14, 2008


SO once igen I been having to manage to slack on ze bloggenz poshtingzzz... MY B... Zhere have been many many busy moments un ze final stockholm dayz... from danse kruizin mit my berliner hanzes(shout outz to lou lou o Olivier!) to working on various dance study finalzz.. bleehh....  but for realzy thingz are vvinding down here in S-TOWN like woah UND zhis somber vvinter mood has been sinkingz in!! UND ive had to say aufwiederzehn to many av mein hanzes who left for zheir homelandz!
    ZE s/holm man loft iz no more!! BUT tomorrow I be flyggaring dahn to the hoty hot party/HOLYland TEL AVIV to visit ZANDER fran zurich mit Dj ERIK!! itz iz going to be eine svveaty wetty festunz as vee get down to ze ISRAELI desert und beach parteez!! and zen im off to EGYPT to be rockingz ze kasbahz.. me iz hearing cairo iz new hottyhotelectrospot! WAH WAH! so i scout it out!!... PEOWW!! I cant be waitingz to szee ZANDER und his golden skin! As well has being absolutely covered in SUCKulent Shawarma juices und HOOMAS!! It'll be truly FANTASTISK! MM mm TASTEEZ!!
  ANYwhoozy imz going to be doing some poshthingz abroadz so ill make sure to be onz ze tops of mein gamez. PUSS pusss!!!
 OH und en order to feel ze slow pain of leaving stockholm soon zhat i be feelingz, get down to ze smooth jam fran svensk duo air france! itz an autumn cantata tossing! BUT I vill be back to s/holm in a few weekzy in order to lay down some surious final dancydance and ze poshtingz vvill be hotfire!!  I SchWEAR!

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