SO minselv un josef hav been totallly waiting for ze day ven we may return amung ze mortalz uv ze obamanation und give ze gift uv hot pumping beatz und flashbam sankumam dance moves zat keeps on guving. Zat time iz like totally here, except josef iz actually in ze middle eazt totally spreading ze christmaz cheer und dance fever. but he iz leaving soon! und right ven zings are finally schtarting to blow up! (too soon.) vell ve cant all be owen wilson in ze tre dramatix "behind enemy lines" sooooo josef vill be schtate side soon enuff und ve will have our zander here azvell but 4 nowzez i am ze cristofer colombuz uv ze dancingfirst century und i hav landed und spread ze dance fever to all ze natives through ze hip palestinian peace scarvez zat i brought back from schpain!!! Graet!
on a totalllly professional note i hav schpent ze lazt night vatching "Justice - A Cross the universe" und it vas okayz, i vas like ya it seemz hardcore und all zat but i hav done all zez schings on ze lazt night i vent out dancing mit my carlizle hanzez!!! vatever! but totally uveryvun schould check it oooouuuutttt!!! Un dscince ve are on ze justice topix i vill hav 2 pozt und remix mit spank rock und moz defffff!!!! it iz like miin fav right nowz!!! und alzo i vill give 2 all ze hanzez und fraulinez ze scuper hottttt video uv UTAH SAINTS und zer schong something good '08!!! Graeeeeet!!! enjoizzzizezzezez!!!!
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