Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Getting super funky mit HIGH SCIENCE!!!! fresh out uv ze oberlichtenaugh!!!!!!!

Graaaaaaeet newwwz urvurybody zer iz a new scherif in ze tomnz!!! High science!!!!!!!!!!! zis iz like ze future uv funky get down rythumz!!! Und apfelturnoverz haz ze exlusive honorz 2 dishout ze bomb bomb tre crahzy beeatz by ze mayor uv danceopoliz!!!! Yah!!!! here iz ze hottttttt new single zat iz making mine feet schtomp und mine fistucufffz pump!! ze eva originalz eva fabulouz eva punctualz HIGH SCIENCE mit DR. ALBERT BRAIN!!!!!!! chugh chugh!!!!! we are like totally upschtein und honored 2 present 2 all ze hanzez und ze fraulinez zet be waxing zer brauwlinez... IMAGINARY DISH!!!!

Let ze schpagetti fly und ze puppiez cry!!!! itsz like time 2 get downzi mitout ze frownzi!!!!!! cuz zer iz a new prez und ze age uv luv und responzibulitiez iz upshtein und ready to schpunk!!!! graaaaaeeeet!!!!! i luv ze USA!!!!

und totally become a fan uv ze high science on ze fazebookz:

very nice!!

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