Friday, January 23, 2009

..GETZ UPP zhen GEtz DOwn...

CHYAa JA KIDZZ!!! hej hej
   VEE goin to bounce to zhese HOT off PRESS tracks I juste gotz!! WOW wow!! 
FIRST OFFzees LEtZ bangBANG to ze hardyHARD trax I copped fran felix CARTAL!! MEE is zhinking hes for reelzy bringzing true heat nowAdayz mit his tossingz.  BEWARE av zhis BOOMTUNE..
ONLY PRESS play if you iz downz to GET UPPZ!!

NOWW to cool off zhose hardvverking BOOTYpieces!! (WOOWeeee!!)
  PLEASE PLEASE get yo handz on zhis sexyShMooth track fran QUEBECois LE MATOS!!! FOR SHO zhese hanzes lay some serious electro GROOVEtune!! TRULY GETS HIP TO ze Le MAtos soundz for PUREelectroBEATz!! LISTEN how ZHEY beautifully transform ze original acoustic/pop chillBOOM fran fellow CANADIANhottyHOT coeur de pirate!
    I vould zhink you can DEF get ze bodeez moving to zhis BEATtreat too BUT be downz TO GET downz!! 

Mmmm mm oh so shmootheee!! 

UND just cuz i feelingz generous HEREz zheir brandNEW BANGer quiet earth ocksa!!! 


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