Sunday, September 14, 2008

I juzt luvvvvvvzz da beeaachzzz!

So i vas like totallly laying out in da sun in vun uv sunder spains bonita suuper xclusive beaches and i vas listening tu the superhot Poet Name Life remix uv Glamorous by my all timez favez clumzy queen frau FERGIE und dirtyboi Ludacris. und i was like totally vatching diz hotz fraulinez play padleballz and vuz like i voud totallllly suport thur shuz fetishz. und after i vuz like daydreamzing fur likez evur i hadz 2 turnz ovaz 2 hidz my brautverst cuz it vas totalllllly schpundunderz.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vow, dis est de besten bloggen everrr! I meese da Josef und Erik showzen tres much!