I TOTALLZee JUST CAME........across zhis super top secret VID of apfelturnovers very own ERIK dancing in his vvhitey-oh-so-tightee JACQUES STRAP mit his FAVOURITE tennis racket!!! ZHIS vvas essentially happeningz like at least everydayz last year vvhen myself und dj erik verr living together!!!! AT ANYpoint of zhe day, vun could find erik shaking his streudel noodle mit eine underhosen jocky! WHAT A TASTEE TREAT!!! ppeeoow!!
.... I GUESSS erik recently performed in a svveaty wetty strip club en espana, judging by zhe funky jamz being pumped!!! SO glad he put zhis up on zhe Utube for everyvun to get down to!!! BIG UPPz to erik!!! mmmm hmmmm......LOVES IT!!!
joder! él es el mejor en toda de españa! erik es supersexy!
ps that wasnt erik.
omgz sumvun likez totallly hackzet myz passwurd!
easily the gayest thing i've seen since practice
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