Sunday, September 7, 2008


OK chics und dics!!!! I totally am like szitting here in my apartment lookin outz over zhe sloppy but comforting grey skys of STOCKHOLMs, attempting to recover MY HEAD from an INsanely SZICK und hot weekend of DANCEing, TWIZTings, und GRRINDing!!! OMFGzzz, LOVE IT....BUT ANYwhoNOW if thereZ one defining artzists OR SONG zhat one can NEeever ever escape while cruizing and bruizing the clubs of stockholm, is F-ing FAMILJEN!!! YAhhh of Zhe VERY same Hassleholm BOIZ duo that have been rockking some serious socks for a few years now! 
ITz literrally impossible to not run into or be surrounded by a groupz of millionz little BLONDE haired BRIGHT blue eyed pre-teens shrieking zhe lyrics... DET SNURRAR I MIN SKALLE!!!!...thiz group also includez my 20yr old roomiE SEANNN!
SO MY POINTZ are like being zhat thiz country is absolutely COO COOs for JOHAN Karlsson's coco meatpiece!! BUT IN NO vvayz am I complaining...BEING in a land Surrounded BY ppl who seem to love zhis electropop powerhuset just az MUCH AS ME, is sziimply FANTASTICal und pretty much HEAVENz. NOT to mentionz that szeeing zees loverBOIZ zhe other day was most likely zee numbver EIN moment I HAVE ever had by myself.!! CHYYAah for serious!! 
HEYnowbruncow!! SO in tribute of hearing a million und one familjen songz thiz weekend and zhe fact zhat its probablyz SO not going to stop anytime sooon!! (THANK GOSH!) I GOtta throw up zhere newest VID of hit Huvudet i Sanden, directed by JOHANsoderberg aka zhe hanze who made tzheir ill det snurrar vid. SO ENjoi my lovERz and never ever get tired of FAMILJEN (imPOSHible!)..cause in sweden it'z actually a law that you can't!! PEOW PEOW!\

OH and also get downzy on this DET SNURRAR cat burglar remix (my personal fav)


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