HEj hej BOOTYtroopAHS!!!
SOoo ANYWHO zhis whole like neoFIDGEt scene has truly been coming INTO ze supah limelight sceneage since GANGBANGn italia DUO crookers started to totallzee be POPping off!! ZHEY've been garnering mucho mucho ATTENTION and i be like WOW cuz zhey iz like constantly be bringzing the sweti yeti ruckus TO ZE boomboom!! get downzy houndzy to zhis hotty-cant-stoppy neon kings STEEDLORDs' CROOKed TOSSngs!!! I AM constantly like F-ing LOVEing zhis craycray vvildnOUT genre, i perzonally zhink zhat nothing ELSE TRULY BRINGz such HEAT to THA D-floor. BUT one fidget star on ze same label, whoze masteringz haz like be a BIT overshadowedz und should also BE RAVED about iz ze oh-so-sex THE BULGARIAN. Zhis bootyclappahZ truly rockingz und not schtopping to shprunk mit ze whole progressivehousefigdetingz!! TRULY FANTAZMIC!! PEOWW! peepzys zhese jammingz und zhen you know Vvhat totallzee to rock out ven some tooHOTtoTROT hanze zhinks zhey have zhe illest crookers fidget sound!!!! BOOMZOOM TO tha fullesht!! eine uppshteit TOTALE!!!!
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