SO like ive been figuringz zhat like ive already posted a few muziks fran zese sweaty rhythm makerz...BUT like i took a most SACRED und SEXYcool vow to be like givingz all of my hanzes ze hottezt und must-having DANCE boom boomz!! SO ZHAT means like even vven i have to be postingz my favz OVER und OVERZZ!!! PEOWW!! dez freaking sweaty sweaty lovejam!!!!
FIRZT off iz sexboiz franska duo DONOVAN...who completely smash any BANGER toss zey be touching!! FOR infinitee faith to zees babiez! so itz ANOZER SEBASTIAN T tossedjam!!! WHO KNEW??... i demand zhat everyvun iz blowing mindz, rumpz, und bumpz to zhis one!!! VROOoooM PEOW PEOW!!!
UND zhere vvas no vay i could be sleeping if i didnt bloggenz zhis one.........even if i vvas just done havng like a grande double peow peow dancingsesh zhat took like a whole year or szomething cray like zhat.....YOU SZIMPLY HAVE to start getting downzy to ze knew BOEOES KAELSTIGEN jamz zhat have been dropping fran zere newest EP!! zhese svensk team truly iz knowing how to make mine bootyz go clap!!! BOOMBOOM!! even more hotter zan an erik jockystrap, zanderfran zurich, mit eine djOFACE ice cream tag team szandvvich!! YAH.......zat hotty hot!!!
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